What now? Getting started in the Wellness Profession…

Wellness Coach

So …. you had dreams, goals, studied hard and finished your school or program. You are on the path to your new future. It is only around the corner. You are anxious to apply these life changes techniques, that you know will make the world a better place. It is deep within your heart and soul that the profession you chose is going to make a difference.

This is how it is going to go: Vision

People are waiting to hear about you and get started.

Potential clients are on a waiting list, because you are so inundated with opportunities and business.

Well this sounds great.. but what now? 

What they forgot is, I graduated.., Now What? What direction do you go next?

Have you asked your self these questions?

  • Where are all the client’s I thought would be knocking down my doors?
  • How do I get my website up and running?
  • How do I organize my money from what I earn?
  • Who are my clients?
  • How will I present myself?
  • Do I have a particular niche?
  • How can I market myself?
  • What makes me different from my peers?

It is important to establish your direction before presenting yourself. Over the next few weeks I will be discussing these topics and presenting some of my INSIDE SECRETS how I have gotten my marketing done and built my business for little or no money.

I am not a marketing genius. I do not have an extensive degree in business. Why am I telling you this, because I want you to know you can do it to.  With little or no help, I had my business up and running in a few short months.

This series is geared towards those entering the wellness profession. Although I am a certified life coach, I find that what I have put together will be useful for anyone starting out in the wellness profession.

We all share the same common goal, we just have different ways to reach the finish line.

Amanda Scocozzo, C.P.C.

(347) 913-LIFE (5433)






Life Coach Training and Support in New York City, Meet & Greet Sunday June 24th | Empower Life Coach

I am currently in the process of building a support and networking group for coaches. The beauty in this are there are so many approaches to coaching, and we all have the unique opportunity here to share with one another.

networking group for coachesMy intention for the group are as follows:

  • Offer a place to present your ideas and receive constructive feedback
  • Collaborate on projects together
  • Referral system for niche professions
  • Bring in guest speakers
  • Receive discounts and share from our affiliate partners
  • Learn new techniques from one  another
  • A healthy and private outlet to receive support dealing with clients and certain areas
If you are interested in more details, please join our group:
Only members can attend our private meetings, and our first meet & greet is Sunday June 24th.
I look forward to sharing ideas with you

Amanda Scocozzo, C.P.C.

(347) 913-LIFE (5433)



